“Strategic Exploration” is “what you do before you plan.”  For individuals and organizations, this is a critical leadership skill to address “short-termism” and provide innovation for new products and services.  Joel Barker’s Strategic Exploration Tools, videos, and training programs address this by focusing on three themes.  “Monitoring – Seeking” focuses on awareness of key trends, innovations, and paradigm shifts, knowing when to monitor, when to seek new information related to important topics.  “Discovering – Inventing” focuses on the skills needed to find the new ideas, the new products, and the new services that are needed for success — plus the innovation necessary almost daily in today’s world.  “Assessing – Prioritizing” provides the critical examination of the trends, innovations, paradigm shifts, and issues necessary to address the risks and opportunities.

Each of Joel’s Strategic Exploration Tools, videos, and training programs provides different focus on these themes.

Themes Implications WheelThemes TIPSThemes Strategy MatrixThemes VisionThemes ParadigmsThemes TacticsThemes Verge